
This blog has been created to discuss various theological issues and as a forum to answer theological questions. Many theological/biblical questions people have come from incorrect information--hence the blog name. It is my aim to answer these questions according to Holy Scripture.

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Location: Monett, Missouri, United States

08 November 2006

This Really Makes Me Mad!

I can't believe that Amendment 2 passed in Missouri! I can't believe that people want to destroy life in order to so-called "save life." The liberals are always screaming about how they want the war to end because they are tired of their loved ones being killed in action. However, they seem to have no problem killing our unborn children--hmmm! It seems like there is a contradiction here! In my opinion, anyone who voted for Amendment 2 is simply put--"Theologically-Incorrect." You can't destroy life in order to save life! You can't have your cake and eat it, too! The Bible tells us very clearly that God knows us before we are even conceived in our mother's womb (Jer. 1:5). The Bible tells us that we are knit together in our mother's wombs by God Himself (Psalm 139:13). Life begins at conception! I know this is a stumbling block for many, but God's ways are not our ways. The judicial or critical use of human reason is absolutely out of place with respect to divine truths. We must, therefore, not "correct" the Scriptures according to our ideas and logical deductions, but we must correct our thoughts and ideas according to the Scriptures.

I agree that their needs to be certain kinds of stem cell research. Why not use adult stem cells which can be harvested from discarded placenta, umbilical cords, etc. These adult stem cells have even been proven to show positive results when used.

I'm saying this, even when my grandmother suffered herself from Parkinson's disease. I'm saying this even though my uncle died at age 17 from bone cancer. I'm saying this even when my other uncle, the last one's brother, who is 44 years old, is dying of cancer as I write this post. I'm all for finding cures--just not this way.

God will always provide a way! His ways are not our ways! Our cure for these illnesses will come in God's time. We need not play God in our decisions and in science. I'm afraid that with the passing of Amendment 2 this is exactly what's happening! God decides who lives and who dies--we don't! God have mercy on us all!

01 November 2006

I have some friends in my LCMS church who believe that the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit are still available to us today (miracles, healing, p

Yes, I agree with your question about whether or not Scripture supports the giving of spiritual gifts today. I think that miracles happen all the time in church--every Sunday as a matter of fact. If you have ever witnessed a child being Baptized, you have just witnessed one of the greatest miracles you can behold with your eyes on this side of eternity's curtain. If you come to the Lord's Supper each Lord's Day, you are also experiencing a miracle as the Pastor places Christ's Body and Blood in your mouth. You are receiving the Resurrected and Living Christ--and along with Him, forgiveness, life, and salvation. You become as close to Christ in the Supper as were the disciples of our Lord. Can there be any greater miracle?

As to prophesy and tongues and other gifts, I agree that these gifts are still given today. I am skeptical, however, as to how those gifts are used. These can be abused as can any gift we are given. If they are used in a spiritual fashion and in accord with how they are used in Scripture then, okay. However, if they are used to help fund-raising in the church by speaking in tongues and then somebody jumping up and saying, "I know, I know, what he said, 'He said we need to raise a million dollars to build a new church!'" then the "so called gift" is abused. Also, some of our Pentecostal/Assemblies of God brethren have abused the gift of tongues by trying to teach their people how to speak in tongues and this, too, is theologically-incorrect! God gives the gifts according to His own good pleasure.