Do we really need to confess our sins in worship?
I concede the fact that our sins are forgiven yesterday, today, and forever. I concede that God does not want to bash us down because of our sins. But what about passages like 1 John 1:8-9? “If we say we have no, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Our God, is a God that likes to be reminded of His forgiveness and loving-kindness. By our confessing to Him our sins, we are reminding Him of His loving kindness and forgiveness and we are reminding ourselves that our forgiveness is complete in Christ Jesus.
It’s like another colleague said to me, “You wouldn’t tell you wife on your wedding day that you loved her and then say, I won’t ever tell you this again because I’ve told you once and it’s good for all time.” I don’t know about your wife, but that wouldn’t work with mine! I don’t think God thinks to favorably on the idea of His people never recognizing His loving forgiveness, and we recognize His love and forgiveness by confessing our sins.
And if that isn’t enough, we simply need to hear the healing balm of the Gospel—you are forgiven, go in peace! Would like some feedback.